Welcome to our website

You have Instagram? Then you found this Website for shure throw Instagram! So this website is made so you can tell you friends who don't have Instagram about the sayings, but it are to many to tell? Then they can just check it out at SKJtalks.webnode.com 
Website maneged by 2 people

How I got the Idea

At the 8 January 2014 after checking or being on Instagram and looking at my pics I got the Idea... 

to share my sayings, other sayings I find and movie lines... that are nice, sweet, helpful, about life or even poetic sayings. 

But I still have a question for you writers, readers and etc. 

Do you wanna share something with me? 
If you have you can send it to me per email or just write it on the blog.
What you have to write...
Name: Niina J.
or if you have 2 firs names...
Name: Niina S. J. 
Then just start writing why you wrote it (if you want to), but if you found it on the Internet or choose a movie line you like, just write something about it. 

_-The head of the project-_


P.S. If the Like buttons aren't on english, sorry!


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Broadcast comes online!

09/01/2014 14:19
Hey Guys! We will have a broadcast, but not live. Send us a email with the saying, what you need...

Don't tell...

08/01/2014 16:53
To the People who knows me... Please don't tell anybody because it is a mystery......

Website launched

08/01/2014 10:45
Our new website has been launched today. Today after checking or being on Instagram and looking at...
Make a website for free Webnode